Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.” Arnold Schwarzenegger
Struggles is a great device by which nature compels humanity to develop, expand and progress. Your struggle can be seen as an ordeal or a magnificent experience, depending on your attitude toward your struggles. “What is the difference between an obstacle and opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” J. Sidlow Baxter.
“All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish and insensitive to the real value of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.” Pope Paul VI. Furthermore, “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Napoleon Hill.
“It shouldn't be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the thing you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder – or impossible – to lose.” Sarah Dessen. Your life from birth to death is a series of unavoidable struggles. However, you gain cumulative education and experience from every struggle that you encounter. “When you meet struggle and master it, says nature, you shall have the strength and wisdom sufficient for all your needs.”
“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” Frederick Douglass. When you struggle against all odds, your spirit toughened. Without the strength of character which you gain from struggle, you would go through life with very little purpose or any real plans. When you understand the real purpose of life, you can then understand the circumstances which force you to struggle in the first place. Therefore, you will accept your struggle as your golden opportunities for a successful life. Struggle forces you to move where you would have otherwise stand still. Remember, nothing worthwhile in life is ever achieved without a struggle. If success was so easy, everyone would be able to do it. Life is a struggle but the rewards you get from meeting your difficulties head on, face to face, overcoming them and using the next struggle as a stepping stone to success.
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