Friday, 8 April 2016

Lessons Learned Studying World Class Achievers.I subscribe to an organization that sends me articles. Recently I came across this very informative article and decided to share it with my SFI family. The article reads as follows:

As someone who has aspirations but, admittedly, is not world-class at anything, I’m always curious about the origins of those who are the very best at what they do. I’ve learned eight lessons from studying the elite in professions from athletics to business and, occasionally, art to find out what makes them tick and how they reached such rarified air.
Live a life of discipline.

Despite his busy schedule shooting and promoting his movies, movie star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson religiously follows a strict diet and fitness regimen, eating seven carefully orchestrated meals designed for maximum health benefits. He wakes up daily at 4 a.m. to eat his first meal and start the day. His approach to fitness is extreme, but it’s a big part of how he’s achieved extreme levels of success. Simply put, he is more disciplined than those who would try to dethrone him at the box office.

Be on a mission.
The highest levels of excellence are a result of years of training and preparation. Great inspiration is required to maintain the unflinching discipline to chase, day in and day out, a goal that is unobtainable to the average person. This is a quest that propels you to march forward on your darkest days. Not everyone has a mission that stirs his or her soul. If you are fortunate enough to discover yours, you have the first tool needed to become world-class.
Bias towards action.
Thomas Edison once said, “Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait.” There is no more succinct description of what drives the most ambitious and world-class among us. If you pause to consider the countless hours it takes to master anything, you’ll find that getting started now is a necessity. Time is the greatest and rarest of commodities. Those who aspire to achieve world-class status are intimately aware of how precious each day is and know better than to waste a second.
Be different.
Steve Jobs personified Apple’s legendary ‘90s campaign Think Different. He paid the dues to become world-class but always believed he could be. People like Jobs, with an end goal that’s so bold, make many equally daring choices along their journey.
Fitting in isn’t the key to success. Perhaps the opposite is what’s required to reach the pinnacle: world-class status.
Have a frightening goal.
Do not aim small. For the world-class, goals that frighten others or even themselves are just the inspiration they need to wake-up early to pursue greatness. The juice for the elite is the fact that their target is daring; a frightening goal is a compelling goal.
Turn setbacks into comebacks.
Anyone can get inspired and take the first steps towards achieving at the highest levels. The starting line has no shortage of participants, but the road to the finish line always claims plenty of casualties. The world-class have a resiliency that is simply on a different level than most. They have the ability to treat setbacks as part of the process — merely roadblocks that are never impassible.
Never arrive.
Further along your journey to world-class status, you will know what massive success feels like. Anyone would be tempted to stop and admire the view. For those who do, success can be the enemy, driving an ego out of control or inducing complacency. The world-class avoid these pitfalls. They never allow themselves to fall for the “I’ve arrived” trap. They keep their eyes fixed on the prize.
Care less about what others think.
To shoot for world-class with the fortitude to work towards it every day is not normal. Generally speaking, people who do abnormal things make themselves susceptible to criticism. The world-class have the unique ability to shut out the critics, even when no one in the room believes in them. For the soon-to-be elite, doubters only intensify their drive. They can shut out the naysayers and instead focus that mental energy solely on their mission.
By Marty Fukada.
I trust that you enjoyed this informative article, and we all will adopt the success principles of these great achieversachievers
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

Struggles is a great device by which nature compels humanity to develop, expand and progress. Your struggle can be seen as an ordeal or a magnificent experience, depending on your attitude toward your struggles. “What is the difference between an obstacle and opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” J. Sidlow Baxter.

“All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish and insensitive to the real value of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.” Pope Paul VI. Furthermore, “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Napoleon Hill.

“It shouldn't be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It's the thing you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder – or impossible – to lose.” Sarah Dessen. Your life from birth to death is a series of unavoidable struggles. However, you gain cumulative education and experience from every struggle that you encounter. “When you meet struggle and master it, says nature, you shall have the strength and wisdom sufficient for all your needs.”

“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” Frederick Douglass. When you struggle against all odds, your spirit toughened. Without the strength of character which you gain from struggle, you would go through life with very little purpose or any real plans. When you understand the real purpose of life, you can then understand the circumstances which force you to struggle in the first place. Therefore, you will accept your struggle as your golden opportunities for a successful life. Struggle forces you to move where you would have otherwise stand still. Remember, nothing worthwhile in life is ever achieved without a struggle. If success was so easy, everyone would be able to do it. Life is a struggle but the rewards you get from meeting your difficulties head on, face to face, overcoming them and using the next struggle as a stepping stone to success.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Why Internet Income like SFI Offers Rocks!

In this lesson, you will learn the three factors which assure us of continued exponential Internet growth. These three factors are:
  1. Moore's Law
  2. Acceptance of digital environments
  3. Convergence
You will learn what these terms mean and how these principles prove that Internet marketing will have exponential growth and exponential results for decades to come. You will learn how to best position yourself as a home-based entrepreneur to take advantage of the digital opportunities that lie ahead.
Moore's Law describes the falling cost of digital technology. When my daughter was born in 1980, the price of the memory chip for a home PC was $1,000.00 (not the whole PC, mind you, just the memory). When my daughter was one year old, the same amount of memory cost only $500.00. When she was three years old, the price was $250.00. When she started the first grade, the same amount of memory cost only $62.50. When she graduated from high school in 1998, the price of that same amount of memory had fallen to less that $0.25. When she began her junior year in college, the cost for the same amount of memory as in that original PC was just pennies. I assure you that nothing else we have purchased over her lifetime has decreased in cost anything like that!
We, of course, upgraded the amount of memory we used over the years. Each time we upgraded, we spent about the same amount of money but got more and more computing power. So, what really happened was that our computing power increased by four times every three years for the same cost.
Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of Intel Corporation, made mathematical observations in the 1960's of the engineering practices which allowed miniaturization in semiconductor technology. This miniaturization applies to processors and other computer components as well as memory chips. What he observed mathematically is that computers can be made four times more powerful every three years for the same cost. Some argue that this same formula has held true for a full century, if you include the mechanical computers of the early 1900's and the old-fashioned transistors that followed.
If you knew that you could get four times more raw materials every three years with no increase in cost in a given business, would you want to get into that business? The overwhelming answer everywhere is, of course, a resounding "yes!"
All businesses, even traditional brick and mortar businesses, must market their goods and services. Because businesses look for the lowest cost to perform their processes, more and more marketing information and marketing processes, even for brick-and-mortar businesses, has become digital.
Moore's Law ensures that Internet businesses, especially Internet marketing, will continue to grow and flourish at an astounding rate. Will Moore's Law continue to hold true in the future? Can engineers keep making computer chips cheaper? Intel's engineers assure us that Moore's Law will continue to operate for several more device generations, if not indefinitely.
The next factor that ensures continued growth for Internet businesses is the acceptance by consumers of digital environments. People have taken to Cyberspace. Despite the many predictions to the contrary, people have warmed up to digital environments with enthusiasm. Many Web communities have been formed and their participants report feeling all warm and cozy in those digital environments. Participants have developed a strong sense of identity with the digital communities such as Twitter, Facebook, and others. As Moore's Law has continued to operate over the years, technology has become more and more capable of producing engrossing digital environments in which most of the world's population enthusiastically participates.
The third factor assuring a prosperous future for Internet entrepreneurs is convergence. Simply defined, convergence is the coming together of separate things. Convergence has occurred at both the industry level and the consumer level. On the industry level; computing, communications, and media companies have merged. On the consumer level, smart phones and smart TVs are commonplace. Consumers have combined their phones, personal computers, and televisions into one integrated media system. Even our money has become digital, as we have automatic bank deposits of our earnings while we buy things with our smart phones or the quick swipe of a debit or credit card. The Internet has so involved itself in our personal lives, there is no turning back. We have converged into a digital world.
These three factors--Moore's Law, acceptance of digital environments, and convergence--assure us that the potential of the Internet for the home-based entrepreneur continues to be nothing less than incredible. In the digital world, the large corporations have to compete, not just with each other but also with the home-based entrepreneurs. The large conglomerates no longer have the exclusive advantage. Given the low cost of computing power, individual entrepreneurs now have at their disposal the raw materials to develop digital products and processes and make them available to the world. Even more importantly, individual entrepreneurs can ban together in digital environments (such as SFI) to combine their skills and knowledge and use convergence to their advantage in a very efficient way, rivaling the large companies with the results.
To obtain convergence, you must bring together computing power, media content, and information processing. To obtain the economies of scale, you should position yourself within a digital community where resources can be shared. Despite the low cost of computing, there is still power in numbers with regard to media content and information processing. To position yourself as a marketer for one of the longest lasting and most successful digital communities in existence is without doubt the smartest move you could possibly make right now. Having done that, you can use your individual creativity, skills, and resources in an environment of freedom employing the low cost computing power at your disposal to obtain your financial goals. Due to the three factors discussed in this chapter, there is an unprecedented opportunity available to you right now as an SFI affiliate. You have but to take advantage of it.

by George Little 
Copyright 2014, Panhandle On-Line, Inc. 
License granted to Carson Services, Inc. for distribution to SFI affiliates. No part of this work may be republished, redistributed, or sold without written permission of the author.

What is SFI and why must you jump on board
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Monday, 4 April 2016

Are you on the "Anti-Wealth" Plan?
Though painful to say, most people go through their entire lives on what we call the "Anti-Wealth" Plan. Others call it the "40/40/40 Plan." That is, work 40 hours a week for someone for 40 years and retire with $40 in the bank!
That's somewhat of an exaggeration, of course, but the U.S. Social Security Board, for example, has reported that 85 out of 100 Americans won't possess as much as $500 in savings by age 65. And only 2% will be self-sustaining; the rest will be dependent on family, church, or the government!
Burning Cash
The main problem with a typical job is that when YOU stop, the money stops.
MAKE SURE you understand this: If you ever want to acquire real wealth, you're just not going to get there trading hours for money.
The world's wealthiest people have known for hundreds of years that if you want financial freedom, you MUST tap into at least one of the following:
Residual Income is income that keeps coming in month after month, year after year, from work you do just ONCE. It's like a royalty. An example would be writing a book or recording a song and getting paid forever on it. Wouldn't it be absolutely awesome to have that?! Well, with SFI you can!
Leveraged Income is earning money through other people's efforts. There are only 24 hours in a day. Hence, there's only so much you can earn through your own efforts. But with SFI, you can earn Leveraged Income (in the form of "override" commissions) when affiliates you've sponsored in SFI make sales.
Earn even more Leveraged Income when they sponsor other affiliates and refer TripleClicksmembers who make purchases...and when your affiliates’ affiliates sponsor affiliates and refer members...and so on.
The fact is, by simply sponsoring a few good, active SFI affiliates, you can eventually have hundreds or even THOUSANDS of affiliates and TC members putting money in your pocket from around the world...around the clock!
But that's not even the best part. Each affiliate on your sales team has his or her own vested interest to build and KEEP ON building his or her business and income. This, of course, means YOUR income can continue and grow month after month–even when you want to take a vacation or decide to retire altogether.
Rest assured, there are few things greater than returning home from a nice vacation to find a commission check even bigger than the month before waiting in your mailbox!
Bottom line: With SFI, not only can you earn "do-it-once, get-paid-forever" residual-style income, you also can earn Leveraged Income on the sales of thousands of other affiliates! If building financial security is one of your goals, you've found the vehicle to do it with in SFI.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Residual Income versus Linear Income

If your income stops when your work stops, you must keep working till the day you die! Linear income guantantees you an income for as long as you can stay on your job. If for any reason you get incapacitated or get laid off or sidelined on your job, your financial world may crash if all you are hanging unto is that single job, no matter how well it pays! Until you begin to earn money while you are sleeping, you are still far off from the 'safe-zone' financially!
Nothing makes greater sense than leveraging on the expertise, wisdom, strength and resilience of others to achieve your life goals financially. That is what residual income is all about! It is earning a sizeable income long after your initial effort is laid to rest or diminished considerably. The continual efforts of others continue to work for you long after your dying days! Did I hear you say that is what you desire...then stay tuned